
You can make a difference - Blow the whistle!

We want to do everything we can to detect any misconduct in our organisation at an early stage. Your commitment is an important part of that work.

Security and confidentiality are of the utmost importance to us, and your report will be encrypted and no IP addresses can be tracked. Therefore, you can feel safe in sharing your information.

Is my case a whistleblowing case?

The whistle blowing service can be used to report misconduct that you have received in a work-related context. You can read more about which people that are covered under the FAQ down below. The report shall relate to irregularities in which there is a public interest. Misconduct normally includes violations of laws and regulations, corruption, bribery, financial crime, misuse of funds and serious harassments. Infringements within a variety of laws and regulations from EU, such as public procurement, product safety, environmental protection are also covered. Information that only relates to your personal work situation such as dissatisfaction regarding salary or similar does not usually constitute a whistle-blower case and should not be reported through the service. Reporting of classified information under the Security Protection Act (2018:585) or information relating to national security in the activities of an authority in the field of defense and security is not allowed. You do not need proof that your report is true, it is enough that you have reasonable cause to assume that the provided information is true. However, the report shall not be based on rumors or hearsay and it is not allowed to lie or knowingly provide false information in the report. Please note that you may have a reporting obligation which shall be handled in other channels. This whistleblowing service should not be used for disclosure where you have a reporting obligation under business-specific laws or regulations. Review the information on this reporting page to ensure that you are submitting the report in the correct channel.

How do I submit my report?

You can submit your written report by clicking “Create a report”. If you want to submit the report verbally you can click on “other ways to whistleblow” to view more options. you have the possibility to choose whether you want to provide your contact details or remain completely anonymous. Follow the instructions in the form. When you have submitted your report, an ID and password will be displayed on the screen. As we do not log any information about you, this is the only way we can communicate with you. You will receive a message from us in the login-controlled follow-up function within 7 days. We encourage whistleblowers to primarily use our internal reporting channels as described above. However, there is also possible to report externally to an authority. If you want to report externally within Sweden, the government has appointed various authorities that you can contact depending on the nature and content of your report. Examples of these include the Swedish Work Environment Authority, the Swedish Tax Agency, and the Swedish Competition Authority. You can also submit your report to the EU institutions, bodies, offices or agencies if the report concerns EU law. You can find more information regarding the way to report at the respective authorities and EU bodies.


The person who, in a work-related context, has obtained or received information about the misconduct, and who belongs to one or more of the following categories of persons in relation to the business: a) an employee, b) a person who enquires about or applies for a job, c) a person who applies for or performs voluntary work, d) a person who applies for or performs a trainee position, e) a person who otherwise is available to perform or performs work under the control and management of the business, f) a self-employed businessperson who applies for or performs an assignment, g) a person who is available to be part of or is part of an administrative, management or supervisory body for the business, h) a shareholder who is available to be or is active in the company, or i) a person who has previously belonged to one of the above categories and has obtained or received the information during their time in the business.

Persons who are included in the list under the questions above are protected from retaliation by law. The employer to whom the report concerns may not retaliate against the person who submitted the report or a close relative of that person. You are entitled to claim damages from the person who exposes you to retaliation due to the reporting. Note that you are not protected by law if you through the reporting are guilty of a crime. As a whistle blower you receive protection in the form of discharge, which means that you cannot be held liable for breach of confidentiality if the provided information was necessary to reveal the misconduct. However, you shall not disclose more information than you think is necessary to disclose the misconduct to benefit from this protection. Please note that you don’t have the right to disclose documents from the concerned business based on the rules of limitation of liability. Nor does the protection apply if you breach a qualified confidentiality, for example in health and medical care, activities important for national security and activities that are subject to the Act (1971:1078) on Defence Inventions.

An investigator will confirm that your report has been received and then review the information that you have provided in your report. The investigator can, if necessary, ask you questions through the logged in follow-up mode. In the follow-up mode, you can also see feedback on the type of action taken in relation to your report. Your report is handled by people who are bound by commitments regarding secretary and confidentiality regarding identity details. Please note that if your report results in a police report or other legal action, the information in the report and personal details may be disclosed to the police/investigating/judicial authorities.